4.47 Second Chances

“So, you designed this place yourself?” Charles said as he looked their new home up and down.


“Designed the floorplans and supervised the construction!” Veronica said. “Surprise! I hope you like it!”

“It’s just the sort of thing you would have designed,” Charles had to admit. “And, it’s beautiful. It’ll just take some getting used to.”

“I made it with you in mind, my love,” Veronica said. “It has an outdoor dining room that doubles as shelter for an outdoor bed. We can sleep outside without getting soaked.”


Veronica smirked. “Really. I expect to be well-rewarded.”

The house also overlooked Isolde Falls. The view from the third story window was one of the most beautiful on the island.


Avalon was certainly… different. The more they wandered around to meet the locals, the more they realized just how different.



Charles spent a lot of time supervising the construction of the Charles Sample Sim Fu Academy.


Veronica hit the gym when she wasn’t working.




And she made a friend or two almost immediately.



It helped that she couldn’t get enough of Avalon’s residents, both professionally and personally.

The kids were less concerned with the exotic Avalonians. After all, Charles and Sky were strange enough that everyone pretty much took it in stride. The triplets started to settle into the house and make it their own.




Meanwhile, Shanni and Jeanna Yo were settling their family into Chateau Crumplebottom nearby. The boxes were barely unpacked when Charles and Veronica received an invitation to a wedding.

“We figured, why wait?” the note at the bottom said.

The ceremony was a small affair on the grounds of the chateau.

Shanni and Jeanna both wore white. “I’m a bride, and I’m old to boot,” Shanni said. “I can do whatever the hell I like.”


Jeanna took Shanni’s name and became a Crumplebottom, which let Shanni keep the same name as her children. “It also helps with the inheritance,” Shanni whispered to Charles. “I won’t be around forever, and I want to be sure Jeanna’s well taken care of. The money all passes down through Agnes. I do hope she wouldn’t mind.”

“I’m sure she’d approve,” Charles agreed.

After they tied the knot, the new Crumplebottoms took the family to the Sphinx nightclub, which they rented out for the afternoon.


The Avalonian bartender knew his job, and drinks flowed as fast as anyone could drink them.


The only person who didn’t seem to be having a great time was Jeannette Crumplebottom.


Whatever she thought of her new stepmother, she wasn’t talking.

Then Sky discovered the unused stage, which hosted a lovely grand piano. She couldn’t help but sit down and stroke the keys.


The soft musical noodling began to resolve itself into melodies under her fingers. She started to play louder without realizing it.


Suddenly, a voice cut through her thoughts.

“I don’t know if it’s too forward, but do you mind if I join you?”

Sky looked up to see her first-cousin-once-removed, Garry Crumplebottom.


“Oh” Sky said. “I didn’t want to bother anyone.”

“Are you kidding?” Garry said. “I’ve been dying to find someone to jam with.”

“I’ve never played with anyone,” Sky said, casting her eyes down shyly. “I don’t know if I’d be any good at jamming.”

“Let’s try and find out,” Garry said with a gentle smile.

So they tried.


It was if they cast a magic spell between them.


Sky had always loved music, but this… this was different. It was if she and Garry made an empathic connection, as if she knew what he’d play before he played it. The harmonies they built were far more than anything she had ever been able to do alone.

Soon the family began to drop what they were doing to come and listen.


When they finally stopped, Sky looked up to find everyone staring at her.

“I… I’m sorry,” she said. “I don’t know if we were allowed to play on the instruments. Are we in trouble?”

“Are you kidding?” Charles exclaimed. “I had no idea you were so talented!”

Sky blushed. “I didn’t know how to do it. Garry showed me how.”

Garry laughed. “You didn’t require much showing. You’re amazing, Coz.”


“We have to do this again,” Sky breathed as they got ready to go home. “Would you like to come over sometime to do more jamming!”

“Sure thing!” Garry said. “Just let me know when.”

Sky realized she’d found what she wanted to do with her life at last. Perhaps this move to Avalon was the right thing after all.


So here we are! It didn’t take any time at all for Sky to come out of her shell. Of course, a lot of that had to do with the fact that children can’t play musical instruments (?!), but teens can. It’s nice to see her getting some screen time.

The new house is Utopia, downloaded from ModtheSims. The Samples will be living on a Steampunk theme for a while to match Veronica’s sense of style.

10 thoughts on “4.47 Second Chances

  1. The new house is fabulous! Very Veronica. (I kind of want to live there, too.)

    The wedding was lovely. It's nice to see Shanni so happy with her life.

    Of course, the best part is Sky finding herself! Music really suits her and will definitely help her come into her own.

  2. Oh, wow! The house sure is unusual and it will definitely take a little time to get used to it. But the view sure is beautiful.

    I love that the kids (although they are not kids anymore) don't regret their moving there, but are happy about it. Especially Sky! She really seems to belong there. I love how she gently started making the piano a part of her world, and was joined by that guy. That was already really romantic! 🙂 I'm happy for her.

    And, of course, music is one of the best things in life, which is why she should definitely let it into her heart.

  3. I had a ton of fun decking out the house with Steampunk furniture. Some of it is store stuff and some of it is CC. It's definitely been the most fun house to furnish. I definitely need to stop trying to furnish my houses in ways that ordinary people would appreciate :).

    Sky pretty much blossomed as a character as soon as we moved to Avalon. As soon as they became teens all three kids just swept in and took over the story. Now I can't wait to start Gen 5. I love Charles, but his story is basically told at this point.

    However, don't take anything between her and Garry as romantic, as cute as it is :). Garry is Shanni's son, the one she was pregnant with at Veronica's bachelorette party. So Garry and Charles are first cousins, though Garry's only 4-5 days older than Sky. They're far too close family to be anything but best friends.

  4. That is so cool! I think I'm going to like this new 'hood. 😀 Plus, I love Sky! She's neat and I think she's going to be a lot of fun to get to know.

  5. Avalonians are really cool looking with their colorful skins! I can feel that Sky will blend in easily, she could have it easier than Charles her age 🙂

    I totally agree with you – I don’t see why children couldn’t play musical instruments. For example a flute or a violin would be perfect. I used to play the flute as a child myself, the sooner you start learning things the better 😉

    • Hi!! It’s so nice to see comments on the blog. Thank you for reading!

      I love Avalon too. I’m still playing there. I guess the Samples will finish out in that world.

      I just saw that someone’s doing a Build a City Challenge of some kind in that world on tumblr. It’s nice to see it again.

      • Yes, I finally decided to get off the blogger and onto the new site ooo, I’ll have to check that out. Can’t believe the Samples are still going.. my goodness. When you’re attached, you’re attached though!

        • When the build-a-city challenge pops up on my dashboard again, I’ll tell you where to find it.

          Yeah, I claim to be the longest-running 10-generation Sims 3 legacy in the fandom, and I’ve never found one to prove me wrong. I’m incredibly stubborn, and I keep good backups. I’ll never commit to another 10-generation challenge though!

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