7.27 Time for Goodbyes

Using her new enormous wealth, Gamora founded the Avalon Astronomical Society and funded a deep-space research facility.

She also began a research program into the scientific underpinnings of fulfillment and happiness.

This involved a lot of experiments around laughter.

“Whatever that is, don’t point it at me,” Aunt Abby said, backing away.

“It’s not going to hurt you,” Gamora said. “It’s part of my observational research into laughter.”

“I’m to tired to laugh,” Abby said. “Our son Hans is running us ragged. I’m not sure what we were thinking, waiting this long to adopt.”

“None of us had any idea what you were thinking,” Gamora pointed out.

“”He’s a great kid,” Abby said. “We’re just…. really tired. A lot.”

Roderick’s face lit up when he saw her walking toward him across the market square. “You look amazing,” he said.

Vickie blushed. “I look the same as I do every day,” she said.

“That’s what I mean,” Rod said. “Amazing. Sometimes I just can’t believe you’re my girlfriend.”

“Come on!” he said beckoning her into the movie. “This movie is by an indie director who has really inspired me. His use of the colors red and blue are just revolutionary.”

Victoria hesitated outside and took a couple of deep breaths.

“Oh hey,” Rod said as she sat down beside him. “What kept you? The movie is starting.”

“I just needed a little air,” Victoria said.

“See what I mean about the color red?” he murmured to her as the film rolled. “The symbolism is really profound. And wait till you see what he does with blue.”

Rod continued his narrative about how the color filters and cinematography demonstrated the movie’s message. Vickie nodded at the right places. Her thoughts were scattered, and it was hard to track what was happening on the screen anyway. She was grateful Rod didn’t expect her to have any opinions on the director’s style.

When the movie was over, Rod sprang out of his seat. “Why don’t we have a drink at the bookstore coffeeshop and talk about the film?” he said. “I’ve been talking your ear off. I’d love to hear what you think.”

“Maybe a drink is a good idea,” Vickie said.

“It’ll be my treat,” Rod said with a grin. “I can still do some of that boyfriend stuff.”

Before he reached the barista, Vickie knew she couldn’t let this go on any longer.

“Rod, wait,” she said. He turned around in surprise at the sound of her voice. “I… I really like you, Rod, but this isn’t working out.”

Rod froze and stared at her. She could see the shock and the beginning of heartbreak plan on his face.

“Are you breaking up with me?” he asked.

“I– yes, I am,” Vickie said, trying to make her voice firm. “It’s not you. You’re a great person, and we’ve had a lot of fun, and–”

“It’s not me, it’s you??” Rod snarled. “You can’t possibly be using that line on me. If I’m so much fun, we could work it out. Just talk to me about what’s wrong.”

“I don’t think we have enough in common,” Vickie said quietly, unable to meet his eyes. “I think you’ll be a wonderful boyfriend for someone else.”

“So that’s it?” Rod cried. “I told you I love you, and you’re going to drop me like we’re nothing? We’re magic together. I won’t believe you don’t feel it. Whatever I’m doing wrong, I can fix it. Just talk to me.”

He reached for her, and she stepped back.

“I’m sorry, Rod,” she said, feeling tears well up in her eyes. “I’m so sorry. I have to go.”

She ran away from him and out the door. He didn’t try to follow her.

When she burst through the front door, Edmund was grabbing a late lunch at the breakfast bar. He looked up at her face and stopped mid-chew. “Are you all right?” he asked.

“No,” Vickie said. “But I’ll be all right. I don’t want to talk about it yet.”

“You broke up with Roderick, didn’t you?”

“I’m not going to confirm or deny right now.”

“All right, sister. Just let me know if you need anything.”

Connery jumped up from his bed and hurried up to meet her as fast as his old legs could take him.

This was the kind of companionship she wanted right now.

“Who’s a good boy?”

Later, she called Judith to tell her the news.

“I’m so sorry!” she cried. “You come over right now. I’ll make hot chocolate, and we can watch a sappy movie.”

“Please no movies,” Vickie said.

“OK, the hot tub then.”

“What about Mason?”

“Don’t worry. It’ll just be us, like old times. Mason works nights.”

There was an odd tone to her voice as she said it, but Vickie didn’t have the heart to ask right then.

While Vickie was visiting Judith, Winston was not having his best performance.

He went home and soaked in the tub for a long time. At least most of his hair survived.

With all their kids gone, Andria and Dylan had plans for the evening. But the received a surprise.

It was Dylan’s time.

Dylan had no regrets. He greeted Grim with a bow and shook his hand before fading away.

Andria was left alone.

Well, that ends the post on a low note.

I adored Dylan, and I’m so sad sad to see him go. Not as sad as poor Andria, though.

In lighter (?) news, Roderick is taking his breakup hard. He threw himself right to the rebound queen of the town, Claire James. I have no idea what her traits are, but I believe she has gone steady and broken up with every single sim in town for two generations. Oh, dear.


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