Vickie had to admit that being a pregnant newlywed wasn’t bad at all.

Morning sickness was light, and Jonah jumped to help whenever she seemed the slightest bit uncomfortable.

He was practically vibrating with anticipation of impending fatherhood, which certainly quelled her own nervousness. She had never felt so pampered in her life.
Days were spent preparing for the baby. And playing with Connery.

And learning about parenthood.

When Vickie couldn’t handle more attention, Jonah roamed in search of the herd of wild horses that wandered the coasts of Avalon Island.
They enchanted him. Every motion was a moment of vivid beauty bound to the world of dry land in which they lived.

They no longer spooked or ran when they saw him. He was beginning to earn trust.

The dreaded day arrived when they had to say goodbye to Connery.

Dis departure wasn’t a surprise. He was an incredibly elderly dog. Aunt Abby had adopted him into the family as a puppy.

It was still incredibly sad. He’d been there for Vickie in some of her darkest moments, and she took it really hard.

She inhaled suddenly from a sob. She felt something new that definitely had nothing to do with crying.
It hit her again. “Jonah,” she called. “I think it’s time.”

Jonah couldn’t drive her to the hospital. He’d never taken a driving lesson. But he was right there to offer support.

They arrived at the same time a Maya Ocean, looking fit and hale. “Hey! I’m getting a sparring injury checked out,” she said. “I guess I don’t need to ask why you’re here. Congratulations. Better you than me.”
It wasn’t Maya’s most supportive moment. Vickie managed not to snarl at her.

As births go, this was an easy one.

The birth announcement was in the newspaper the next day.

Andria cut the birth announcement out of the newspaper. “I’ll cherish this moment forever,” she said. “I got to meet my grandbaby!”
Vickie looked at the birth announcement and scowled. “The CHILD is resting comfortably? What about the mom?” It had been an easy birth, but not that easy.
Motherhood came naturally to Vickie.

She could rock endlessly with him in her arms and doze.

She even enjoyed the never-ending responsibility of keeping Caspian amused, fed, and clean.

Well, she enjoyed it most of the time. When she didn’t, her family was there to pick up the slack.
Winston already worked nights most of the time. It was easy for him to adjust his sleep schedule to accommodate early morning feedings.

And Andria was never far away. She sang lullabies to him when he fussed and kept a sharp eye on how much sleep the beleaguered parents were allowing themselves.

[Jonah did plenty of parenting. I just somehow failed to take pictures of him. Sorry to make you look like a deadbeat, Jonah.]
On Spooky Day, the new expanded family had their first outing.

Caspian laughed and gurgled all the way to the festival. He seemed thrilled to see all the new people. It didn’t hurt that adults compulsively make silly faces at babies.

“Hey,” Winston said. “Thanks for meeting me here. I thought it would be great to have a date at the Spooky Day festival, but I didn’t realize my sister was going to come along and bring the baby parade.”

“Oh, don’t say that!” Emilie said. “Your little nephew adorable. Don’t you think he’s adorable?”
“Yeah,” Winston admitted. “He really is great.”

“Have you ever thought of having kids of your own?” Emilie asked, avoiding his eyes.
“Yeah….” Winston admitted. “Some. Well, a lot more since Vickie got pregnant. It’s not so easy to have a family when you’re performing evening shows, but, well, yeah I think I want kids. Just not right now.”

Emilie beamed at him. “Of course not now, silly,” she said.
They stood around awkwardly for a long moment, searching for a way out of this topic of conversation.
“Hey!” Winston said. “It looks like they’re starting an apple bobbing contest!”
“Oh, great” Emilie said, her voice relieved. “I bet I can grab more apples than you!”
They both lost the contest.

A teen Victoria didn’t know walked up behind her. “Excuse me?” she demanded, “Did you just put your baby on the ground?”

“Well, just for a moment,” Vickie said, “while I–”
“That’s a horrifying way to treat an innocent baby!” the teen shouted. “What kind of parent are you? Have what for!”

“Aiee!” Vickie shrieked in surprise. “Did you–”

“Did you just slap me??”
The teen stuffed the glove back in her pocket. “It’s no worse than you deserve, ruffian!”

“How dare you!” Vickie growled. “I ought to–”
“I think it’s time to go home,” Jonah cut in. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of Caspian.”

[I think this is a Proper interaction “Give What For.” Awesome autonomous sims! I never noticed this with Dylan, and now I’m sorry.]
Vickie was just setting a sleeping Caspian back in his crib after a dawn feeding when she caught a flash of motion from her upstairs window.
Someone was fishing from the little beach of the property. In fact, just the place where Jonah had first stepped out of the ocean to meet her.

That in itself was unusual but no cause for alarm, but then she realized the fisherman was Edmund.

Vickie ran out to meet him. “What are you doing out here?” she cried. “You’ve never wanted to fish in your life!”

“Vickie!” Edmund whirled around, dropping his fishing pole. He looked almost guilty. “I didn’t expect to see anyone here.”
“I certainly didn’t expect to see you here,” Vickie said. “Why the sudden new hobby?”

“I just thought I should take some time alone to clear my head,” Edmund said, but the words came slower and more anxious as he spoke.
Then his face crumpled. “Joy left me,” he said.

“She what?” Vickie said. “Oh, Edmund. I’m so sorry. Do you know what happened?”
“She said she was wrong about me,” Edmund said. “She just didn’t feel for me what I felt for her.” He sighed. “I’d been talking about getting married. I guess she didn’t want to marry me.” A tear rolled down his cheek.
“If she didn’t want you as a husband, she’s the one with a problem,” Vickie said. “You would make a wonderful husband.”
Edmund smiled sadly. “Thanks for saying that,” he said. “We both know I’m an unusual guy with unusual interests. Not everyone is comfortable with fae magic. I thought Joy was, but I guess that wasn’t really what we had in common. I’m not sure I have any idea what I really need in a partner.”

Vickie threw her arms around her brother. “You’re right,” she said. “You’re not an ordinary guy. You’re romantic and brainy and old fashioned in a good way, not to mention mystical and mysterious. Joy may not appreciate that, but someone will. I know it.”
Generation 8 at last!
Spoilers: There are more kids coming, but Caspian is the heir unless something riveting happens with the others. He’s a fabulous counterpoint for rational, reserved Victoria. That is to say, he’s a hot mess.
NRaas StoryProgression broke up Edmund and Joy brutally. You could just see from the notifications that they had some ugly disagreement, she squashed his heart under her heel, and she immediately moved out and back in with her parents. Oooof. Joy was the simalike a fellow simmer build of her own teenage kid years ago, so, um, sorry it turned out like that.