Lance aged up and became Brave just in time.
The morning after Malika stayed the night, she attempted to make breakfast for him and set the stove on fire.
While all the rest of the family panicked, Lance grabbed the fire extinguisher and put the fire out right through the wall.
Lance, you are so awesome you defy the laws of physics.
After Malika left, Lance had sudden desire to take up painting.
Tough but sensitive, that’s my Lance.
Lance pretty much rocks.
^ Comment above says it all. Lance is a cool sim 🙂
I loved Lance. He was fun all the way through elderhood.
I'm glad Lance was there to save the day.
Tough but sensitive. <3 That was cute.
Wow, these old posts are short! I can't imagine doing one how with just two pictures. Haha!
It's funny. I always want my heirs to be girls, but I think my favorites are the boys.