Tag Archive | lancelot

2.14 Zahra Sample

So, here’s a revised Zahra.

She has a change of clothes and new hair. For the Sims-uninitiated, I have control over a character’s hair color and clothing, but not skin or eye. Since hair can be dyed, it’s something that the player can always change, but whatever you change it TO becomes inheritable to the next generation. I guess Sims 3 genetics is Lamarkian :).

I’m perfectly fine with the genetics model producing combinations not found in nature, but carrot top on Middle Eastern skin tone just clashes. It’s not very visible here, but I did give her red streaks in her black hair.

Her name means “flower,” from her garden-crazy Egyptian mother. Layla bargained with Lance that if she took his name, she would name their children, so all kids will have Egyptian names.

Zahra inherited Lance’s trait of Good, which Lance inherited from Connor. That’s friggin’ enough Good characters! She’s also Brave, the family trait. Her favorite music is Chinese (? where’d she get that?), and her favorite color is turquoise. I initially thought that her eyes were Connor and Lancelot’s amber hazel, but it turns out they’re Susie’s green. That’s nice. Unfortunately, the best pic to see that is the birthday picture :-p

Also note that our older, more mature Lance is sporting a goatee. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a good face shot and will provide them later. Comments on whether he should keep it are welcome.

Don’t eat the spoiled, burned birthday cake, Cycl0ne3! Don’t eat it! (He was totally thinking about it.)

“I’m begging you not to scream at night and wake mommy and daddy…”

Zahra’s actual first word is mouse, of the computer variety. I wonder what this says about her future.

Considering the negative effect the lack of it had on Lance’s development, the eager parents got her potty trained first off.

Lancelot’s wish list went bonkers with wishes to spend time with Zahra. He is totally doting on her. Daddy’s little girl.

He also sprouted a fairly high-powered wish to have another child. Layla, OTOH, got a high-powered wish to be promoted at work. I sense some long conversations in their future.

After everyone has gone to bed, Zahra’s special friend reads to her.

2.13 Best Birthday Party Ever

Poor Lancelot and Layla spent more than a Sim week in solid mourning, poor guys. And without the expected help from the grandparents, raising a baby was quite a bit of work.

Thought they did have a lot of… unexpected help.

Sometimes, a bit too enthusiastic help.

(This is Cycl0n3 trying to change Zahra’s diaper after Lance already did it.)

It looked like Lance and Zahra were going to share a birthday, so they threw a joint birthday party with their newly-discovered cousin Rachel Ursine, Lance’s best friend Julian Ursine (now a cop), Malika Williams, and a coworker of Layla’s.

Not if you know what’s good for you, Lance dear.

Layla brought the baby out to blow out her candles and age up.

At which point, all hell broke loose.

Yes, the burning candle on the cake SET THE CAKE ON FIRE, and proceeded to set the counter and washing machine on fire too. Meanwhile, the Sims did what they always do in the presence of fire — freak out and run into the flames.

Fortunately, our local white knight was there to save the day.

In the resulting confusion, Layla put the baby in a safe place

and then peed herself.

For all of that, the party was a modest success. Apparently the lack of edible cake was surpassed by the entertainment of nearly being incinerated.

OK, no more birthday parties shared with Lancelot. He may not be allowed to have birthdays at all.

At least Zahra got to age up.

Oh. My. God. My eyes are bleeding. Makeover, please!

2.12 End of the Era

Connor woke up the next morning and doted his on his granddaughter while his exhausted son and wife slept.

And his timing was good.

Less than 18 hours after his beloved Susie bought it, Connor headed off as well.

Cycl0n3 was a bit enthusiastic to see his best friend off.

Yes, Grim Reaper, the baby is crying.

Do you know WHY the baby is crying? Because death sequence takes about two Sim hours, during which time NOBODY CAN CHANGE THE POOR KID’S DIAPER.

Connor had no hard feelings. He got to meet Zahra, and that was a lot to be grateful for.

Afterward, the Reaper stuck around to chat with Lancelot, which he wasn’t sure how to take.

Uncle Jared’s death lit a fire under Lancelot’s butt. He wanted to paint the portraits of both of his parents. Connor had just posed for his portrait before he died.

So Susie and Connor hang together in a new attic gallery.

Sleep well, Connor and Susie.

2.11 Life, Death, and Life After Death

Presented here in reverse order.

Susie had an invitation to bring the remains of the recently deceased to the science center for some “testing.” After Cycl0n3’s untimely death at the party the night before, she decided to take the urn of his ashes, instead of Jared’s, to the center to see what mysteries could be answered.

(OK, really, I thought Cycl0n3 would be more fun.)

After a couple of hours, nothing in particular happened, and she left, disappointed.

Missing what DID actually happen. At least Cycl0n3 was grateful.

After being given a new lease on the afterlife, Cycl0n3 decided to go celebrate by a trip to the spa for a pedicure.

He didn’t return to the Sample house until the afternoon. Where he settled down for some good haunting fun.

Susie, without knowing what she’d unleashed, came home and played with some toddler toys on the floor of her bedroom. Let your inner child roam, Susie.

Then she took a nap, only to be awakened abruptly.

Wow, can’t we get a break? Susie was 94 days old, so she can’t claim she didn’t have a good run. But she was two days younger than Jared, and that just doesn’t seem fair.

The whole family assembled to see her off, including Cycl0n3, who grieved just as much as everyone else. I hope that doesn’t say bad things for the afterlife.

Susie, however, wasn’t particularly worried. She seemed to be ready to continue her nap on the other side.

She was buried beside Jared on what is now becoming the little family graveyard.

Goodbye, Susie, I will really miss you.

The younger Samples didn’t have much time to greive. Six hours later, Layla’s water broke. Not fair that Susie missed meeting her grandchild.

A panicked Lancelot chauffeured her off to the hospital.

Connor, suddenly left all alone, autonomously crawled into his brother’s bed to sleep.

Connor, you’re breaking my heart.

The evening finished out with joy and sorrow. Zahra Sample was born at 3am at the Sacred Spleen Memorial Hospital. Mother and baby are doing fine.

2.10 Celebrations and Surprises

Lancelot had his heart set on taking Layla to China for a honeymoon. But shortly after moving in, she became terribly homesick and convinced him to go back to Egypt so she could introduce him to her sisters.

(In the form of a pair of wishes to visit Egypt and visit with her sister, for a whopping total of 1800 happiness points.)

That turned out to be a surprise in itself.

“You meant that bitch, er, woman is your sister? Meena…. Right, Meena Lufti.”

After visiting for a while, Layla let Lance off to adventure while she got personal time with family.

She played tag with one sister (whose name I need to look up again),

Danced with the other,

And slept in her old bed for perhaps the last time.

Meanwhile, Lance went on a quest for flame fruit. Which turned out to be more than he expected.

A fight with a mummy! Good thing he has a whole red belt in Sim Fu.

(No, he did not pee himself. I have no idea where that water came from.)

And more fire than expected too.

Good thing there was a pool of scummy water to extinguish himself in. Yum.

Layla joined him when he’d scouted the place out and did the actual fruit harvesting herself, being that she’s the aspiring master gardener.

And they enjoyed the fruits of their labors.

Get a look at Lance’s face. Evil Sim is evil.

When they returned home, Susie realized it had been ages since she threw a party. And here she was with new retirement and new daughter-in-law to celebrate.

Kill ’em, Susie. Some things you don’t grow out of.

It was, I think, her best party ever. (It was certainly the most fun for me to play. No Sim traffic jams, and everyone fell into logical forms of having fun.)

And of course, on the guest list was Connor’s best friend and Susie’s ex, Cycl0n3 Sw0rd.

Who had the most surprising day of all.

Looks like he had no regrets, though.

The Grim Reaper wasn’t too thrilled to be back in this house too soon. He didn’t think much Susie and her hostessing.

(Julian Ursine has this thought bubble too. Could it be from a Can’t Stand Art trait?)

Nevertheless, he grooved for a bit, ate the last plate of fish and chips,

and had a nice chat before heading out.

Connor took this pretty hard, but Susie was there for him.

And, spontaneously, so was Julian Ursine.

One final surprise.

Somebody has morning sickness.

Ah, the things we do for love.

2.9 Wherein Death Comes Sooner than Expected

The Samples, with the new addition, sat down to a family meal, not realizing that this was the last meal they would have together with this roster.

At the ripe old (and undeserving age) of 96 days, it’s time for Jared to go.

And the Grim Reaper’s time to come for his due.

Farewell, Jared. You were an amazing pain in the ass. You couldn’t even pick a helpful time to bite it.

You pretty much deserve whatever the afterlife has to offer you.

Though, for some reason, your family will miss you, especially now that they won’t have to deal with you.

I can totally understand why this would be hard on Connor. Despite Jared’s assholitude to everyone else, he and Connor were always close.

And even Susie. After a while, you even get used to sources of deep irritation.

But didn’t Lance hate this guy?

And Layla, did you even exchange two sentences with him?

Really, though, I’ll probably miss him the most. The random conflict and rudeness made the whole family a whole lot more fun. He leaves a hole that will probably be filled with more saccharine and sweetness.

Or maybe he’ll come back as a ghost.

2.8 Till Death Do We Part

There was only one thing on everyone’s mind’s.

Tomorrow was the big day. Lance and Layla tried to calm their jitters with gardening and martial arts books, respectively.

Before going to sleep, Lance achieved his red belt in Sim Fu.

I’m sure that chair is terrified.

The next morning, Susie made breakfast for everyone.

Jared, of all people, desperately wanted to plan this event, so the family let him with some trepidation. (Huh? Jared suddenly has a wish to throw a formal wedding party?)

They piled into the car to head to the church.

Except, well, the father of the groom, who had an attack of brain fart.

Should have seen that coming. I’d way it was old age, but this is a man who was late to his OWN wedding.

The bride couldn’t hold in her enthusiasm.

The guests piled in.

Including a whole bunch of people who weren’t even invited. Some of them the Samples had never seen before. Think you’re going to get a free piece of cake, huh?

And since when does Jared moon over love?

And bringing up the rear is Connor, who finally remembered that something important was going on today.

Of course, the only vehicle left was Lance’s bike. How fast can he pedal? Will he make it?

Just in time. Whew.

With this ring…

I thee wed…

And all my worldly possessions I thee endow.

You may kiss the bride.

By the authority invested in us by the Grim Reaper, till death do us part.

The air is filled with the sobs and sniffles of the guests.

Though some let their minds wander.

And, well, it was a risk to invite Malika, but the offensive stink came from another direction this time.

Fortunately, she really cranked up the BO after all the important stuff was over. But it did lead to a mass exodus after the vows.

Congratulations from the father of the groom.

Lance: Are we good now?


But maybe we should just stay apart.

I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Lancelot and Layla Sample.

This is cause for celebration! Everyone dance!

Now for the best part.

(I had a dollhouse extravaganza with this. The church and Layla’s wedding gown are downloads from Mod the Sims and The Sims Resource. I’ve always been baffled as to why there’s no church or really any good wedding venue that comes with the game, and the idea of a Grim Reaper church was just awesome. I also got Layla’s veil from The Sims Resource, and it seems to be the only one in existence, which shocks me. Though it was rendered stiffly, and the game couldn’t handle collision detection for it, so I can see how it might be a pain.)

2.7 Career Moves

Time and arthritis were starting to give Connor real trouble.

But he couldn’t let that keep him from his life’s passion.

(Some aftermath of installing awesomemod led something in Connor’s data to get screwed up. He walked around for about a day and a half with his arms twisted in an impossible position. I really should have made a video, b/c still shots just don’t give a feel for how weird it was.)

In fact, he pounded the keys so hard that he broke the computer, JUST as he hit enter to send the new manuscript to his publisher. The book was a raging success, so the computer had not died in vain.

Way to lift a finger, Lancelot.

Jared had always slacked off at his job, but after talking with Rachel, something new started burning in his brain. He might not be a real father, but maybe he’d be a top chef.

Layla’s new job wasn’t her best fashion statement

But she was promoted on her first full day.

Meanwhile, Susie had an autograph session at the stadium that was a total bomb. Only two people showed, one of whom was her old friend Aimee, Malika Williams’ mother. And Aimee didn’t even want an autograph. She just wanted to catch up.

Had Susie’s career peaked? She had to admit that the strain of putting on big concerts was less fun than it used to be. Her fanbase was growing older. It was starting to feel like she was just putting in her time.

After a lot of thought, she took the big step.

She called the theater and retired from her band.

And returned to what had made her love performing in the first place.

Make ’em dance, Susie.

2.6 Let’s Try This Again

Layla had another night in her new home to think about what she wanted.

Other than Lancelot, that is.

She headed to the french bistro, the swanky restaurant in town, and got a job.

Lancelot had told her a dozen times that she didn’t need to work because he had a trust fund, but she wasn’t ready to let him completely support her. (Or, she had a wish worth a nice stack of happiness points.)

She also spent time working in Connor’s garden, which he didn’t mind a bit.

When she got home from her first day, Lancelot saw the tension gone from her face. She was ready to make this place her home. Maybe she was ready to make this family her family. He jumped at the chance.

He was going for sunset on the cliff at the back of the property, but he didn’t quite make it.

But she didn’t seem to mind the darkness.

Lance, you lady-killer.

2.4 She’s the Girl for Me

Lance got on the phone that very afternoon and called Layla long-distance. He persuaded her to come on vacation to the States with the thinly-veiled promise of free crash space.

Come, Layla, see Lancelot’s etchings.

Lance talks up his physical prowess.

Layla agrees that she likes what she sees.

Better get that mother introduction out of the way.

Oooooh. Yowza.

Did I mention that Layla’s also a Great Kisser? Remember the last Great Kisser to befall the Sample family? Oh, yeah, Lancelot is her willing love slave. All the way to the logical conclusion.

Layla doesn’t need much encouragement to stay the night.

Considering how amazing she is in bed, she has a few odd prudish turns. Turns out that her fifth personality trait is Never Nude.

In the morning, Lance makes breakfast. And they make small talk about the grossness of meat.

The thing is, she won’t let him bring up the subject of commitment at all. She dodges the subject almost before he can bring it up. The afternoon is a cat-and-mouse game of not letting him ask her to be his girlfriend. And yet, she eagerly accepts his invitation to stay the night a second time. Lance is the marrying type. He can’t let her leave without some assurance of her affection.

On the third day, he realizes that maybe he’s laying it on just a bit too thick. He stops hovering around Layla so much. She and Connor discover their mutual love of gardening.

So, seeing how well she gets along with both of his parents, why not try moving in on a trial basis, no strings attached? If she doesn’t like life here in the States, she can go back any time, no questions asked. To his surprise, she agrees.

Hey, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

Who’s he kidding? This cow is a great investment.