#sims3challenge #sims3legacy #sims3story #thesims3
“What is it?” Victoria asked. She couldn’t keep the disgust out of her voice.
“I have no idea!” Edmund answered. “Isn’t it amazing? Connery dug up the pieces and brought them to me. I assembled it. I can’t guess how old it is, but I’ve never seen any living creature like this.”
The prehuman skeleton stayed in the living room until Andria made Edmund move it outside.
Dylan’s nectar-making skills were improving.
At least, he was pretty sure they were.
Bonehilda still emerged from her casket to handle most of the housekeeping. She even took over the care of Dylan’s bees.
When she thought no one would notice, she rehearsed conversations in front of the mirror.
“More magic is coming out in the world every day. There’s no reason to be afraid. Let’s just make an announcement and come out!”
Dylan told Victoria the family story of the two music boxes that had been passed down in the Sample family for generations.

Victoria’s great-grandfather Charles had presented great-grandmother Veronica with a ballerina music box on the day they’d confessed their love to each other.
Much later, she had presented him with a ninja music box. Apparently he’d been a martial artist or something, and a ninja suited him.
Whatever the case, she was sick and tired of all the fluffy romantic stuff that Vickie was burbling about all the time. Those music boxes made terrible music.
“Take me to see my mom now,” Gamora told her father.
Sawyer scowled. “I don’t know what you expect to happen,” he said, “but it’s going to turn out badly. I thought I could get her to change her mind, and I was wrong. Your mother is obtuse and irrational.”
Gamora shrugged. “Take me anyway,” she said.
Sawyer owed her that much, so he looked up her address and took her there.
Manisha had moved around several times since arriving in Avalon. She was currently rooming with a man she met through work.
Sawyer felt his throat constrict as he approached the door. Blood was pounding in his ears. It was difficult to breathe.
He had to stop and watch Gamora playing in the yard for a few minutes to calm himself down enough to press the doorbell.
He hoped Manisha would not be the one to answer the door. He rehearsed a message in his head for him to leave with her roommate.
He wasn’t so lucky. Manisha opened the door herself. “Sawyer,” she said. “This is a surprise.” She didn’t sound like she was surprised, but Sawyer had no idea what she was actually feeling. He’d never been very good at that in the best of times.
Manisha invited him inside, and Gamora silently trailed after them.
“This is where I’m living now,” Manisha said. “Have you met my roommate Eloy? Eloy Berg, this is my boyfriend Sawyer Sample. Sawyer, Eloy.”
What had she called him?
He had a hundred questions, but all he could manage to say was, “I don’t understand.”
“Uh, yeah, I guess I should explain myself,” Manisha said, avoiding Sawyer’s eyes. “You gave me a lot of time to think about everything. I guess I was wondering–“
She broke off, stepped forward suddenly, and grabbed Sawyer by the shoulder to pull him close. He felt her lips on his. He had forgotten how wonderful a kiss could be.
Gamora slipped upstairs while her parents were doing adult stuff. This was going so much better than her father had said it would.
Now they could all come together and be a family at last.
She could start figuring out how to be normal.
Sawyer came up for breath. “What just happened?” he asked.
Sawyer stared at her, completely confused. There was nothing rational about this interview at all, and yet all he wanted was to grab her and kiss her again.
“This is Tiger Lily,” Eloy said. “She’s a sweet kitty. If you’re gentle, she’ll let you pet her.”
Gamora didn’t answer. Mr. Berg was a nice old man, and he was trying to make her feel at home. She didn’t want to feel at home. She wanted her mother to come home with her.
Her parents were smiling at each other. Things were going so well. Now was the time to join in the conversation.
“Hi,” she said. “I’m Gamora. I brought my dad here to meet you.”
“Thanks,” Manisha replied. “I wanted to talk to him, but I didn’t know where to start.”
“Now that everything’s all right,” Gamora said, “maybe you can come home with us. You’re going to really enjoy being my mom.”
Manisha caught her breath. “Oh,” she said weakly, “about that.”
“Look,” Manisha continued, “Sawyer’s a wonderful guy, and he’s a great scientist, but he didn’t tell you the truth. I’m not your mother, and I don’t want to be. He’s not really your father either. You’re an experiment that didn’t work out the way we expected.”
“We talked about this before!” Manisha shouted back. “Stop trying to make me something I’m not!”
Sawyer took a deep breath. “I came here against my better judgment. It will never happen again. Gamora is a person, and you are not. We are going home. Stay away from us.”
Gamora did not cry as he escorted her out of the house. She turned baleful yellow eyes on Manisha. “You’ll pay,” she said quietly.
Sawyer didn’t hear her, but Manisha did, and something in the look on Gamora’s face made her turn pale.
Poor Gamora. I decided that if Sawyer had a Midlife Crisis AND he rolled no romantic wishes for Manisha, then he would go and break up with her. Otherwise, he would go work hard to patch it up. The date with Emily Doctor sealed the deal.
I figured that since Gamora was upset with Sawyer for cheating on Manisha, she’d be the one who wanted to go visit her. I let the interview run on autonomy, and it turned out pretty much the opposite of what I expected. Instead of immediately ending up in a fight, Manisha was all over Sawyer. She flirted with and kissed him autonomously. I sent Gamora to talk to her, though, and that was a big flop. So that was the end of that. Sawyer broke up with her.
Oh, and I am madly in love with My Friend Fred, which is one of the sculptures that dogs can find. Ha!
I have been on vacation for a week, and EVERYONE appears to have posted. I am slowly catching up. I haven’t forgotten about you.