Tag Archive | real life

We’re All Mad Here

Hmm. So, while playing around with Supernatural and Moonlight Falls, I created a foundress for this ISBI Weirdacy I have bouncing around in my head.

Meet Allison Wonderland


She is:
Cat Person
Supernatural Enthusiast
and, of course, Insane

She comes to Moonlight Falls with two cats:


and a little kitten Dinah

Based loosely on this picture from Disney’s Alice in Wonderland.

Creating a kitten for a starting household was a pain in the butt.

Allison is a reasonably-pretty-but-not-gorgeous face from the simbin. My thought was to start with as normal a sim as possible as a starting point, just as prettacies start with incredibly ugly sims and uglacies with beautiful ones.

I have even reserved a blog to log the adventures: We’re All Mad Here. It doesn’t have any POSTS on it. I haven’t decided what exactly what I want do with it. I would like to blog the legacy, but there’s no way I can manage something that is the effort of the Samples. The whole point of an ISBI is that it shouldn’t be that kind of work because I’m only trying to play one sim at a time.

I’m also planning on doing a cat legacy of sorts. Cheshire and Dinah are destined to be mates, and I’ll introduce future mates with interesting genetics to see what we get there :).

One thing that I found to be amusing is that I played through one day with Allison, and it was hard to relax and not be trying to pause the game and jump around. I clearly need the relaxation.

One complaint: Is Moonlight Falls ALWAYS this dark? That picture of Cheshire was taken at 9am.

Also, there appears to be no simple way to divide out my screenshots, which is annoying.

Thank you Christmas Commercialism!

Thanks to advanced Black Friday sales, I now have both Supernatural AND Seasons! I’m up to date! I’m not sure that has happened since 2009.

I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to DO with all those supernatural creatures with regard to the Samples. Since so much of their recent story has been built on supernatural creatures being uncommon, I think I’m going to ease Supernatural content into the legacy.

Actually, I am a little bit intimidated by such a huge content dump.

Three expansions at essentially the same time. Eeeek!

(Cultural note: Black Friday is the Day after the US Thanksgiving, which is tomorrow. It’s a day for extreme sales and deep-discount Christmas shopping. People stand in line for a store to open at 6am so they can get a $10 Blu-Ray player and all that kind of nonsense.)

Promotional Interlude

Hey there! I just wanted to throw out a sales pitch for some of the new legacies on my Blogroll that could use some readers.

The Battle Legacy is a plotty Pinstar legacy that starts out with a teenage single mom trying to raise her toddler with no help. Elegantly written with really creative character designs. I have a soft spot for it because I don’t seem to run in a circle with a lot of plotty Pinstar legacies, and that’s argably what I am :).

Through Colorblind Eyes is an intense, angsty Rainbowcy with lovely photography and a theme of racism and overcoming appearances.

And Diary of a Random Sim is back! This has got to be the most charming random legacy I’ve ever read. It shares a blog with the Thiel Legacy, which I honestly haven’t read yet but plan to.

I don’t read legacies I don’t like, so pretty much everything on my Blogroll is awesome, btw. At least I think so :).

If I Ever Do Another Legacy…

I just found one that enchants me: I’m Surrounded By Idiots.

Legacy Trait is Insane, and you may only control the patron. All other household members are 100% game-controlled. (BTW: I always use “patron/patroness” to describe the sim who is currently the focus of the legacy. “Heir” is supposed to be a term someone who is going to inherit, not someone who has already inherited, and I’m anal that way. The writer of these rules seems to use the term “torchbearer.”)

I loved having Uncle Jared around, but I’ve never been able to disconnect myself enough from the fate of any subsequent household members enough to hand them over to the game. Also, all household sims after Jared were Pinstar point-generating, and this is a (pseudo) Pinstar legacy.

ISDI looks like it would be much quicker to play than what I’m currently doing. But I’m not as awesome as some of you who can run 2-3 games simultaneously. I barely get enough time away from my daughter to play and write ONE.

Also, it seems like it might be a fun thing to do in combination with a genetic legacy. Of course, I’ve always had trouble with either a Prettacy or an Uglacy. What I really want is an Interestingacy. Perhaps I could do a Prettacy where I choose mates based on how interesting they look and heirs are chosen by vote. Hmmm….

Unlike 90% of all legacy players, I actually kind of like doing a scored legacy, and this one has a totally different and amusing scoring system.

ETA: We’re All Mad Here: The Wonderland Weirdacy. With foundress Allison Wonderland. Hmmm….

ETA2: No, I am absolutely not going to mix this up with the poor Samples. Haven’t they been through enough?

Testing Sharing on Google+

OK, I just discovered that Google has rolled out a new way to link between Blogger and Google+. I’m only interested in messing with this if it allows me to share my posts to the few people on my Google+ list who might care. So this is an experiment.

Update: So, it works. Now the Susan’s Sims 3 Legacy Google+ page should update with my posts here. The down side is that it annihilated my sims-specific profile and picture. I don’t really try to keep the various pieces of my online life isolated from each other anymore, so I’m not afraid that you big scary Sims fans are going to come stalk me. I just liked my profile pic of Susie Sample and my profile that whines about the balance of motherhood and gaming :).

The Samples have a home

OK, I now have laid out the Zukutra world referenced in the comments to my liking. It turns out that I am constitutionally incapable of just dropping lots where they fit. I have to lay out a logical flow of downtown and appropriate residential neighborhoods and then go back to the usual haunts to download some new buildings to suit the new themes. So I had to try the lots in a bunch of different places until a reasonable layout finally sprang from my brain.

I still have a thread running with CAW expert Simsample (oh, the irony of the username) about Avalon. If (s)he can get it to export properly for me before I have moved over into Zukutra, I’ll probably switch back to it. Both worlds offer some fun tradeoffs. I’ve really gotten to like the blue landscape paint of the fairy/alien world half of Zukutra.

I expect to be up and playing again pretty soon. I think I’ll be able to drag myself away from world layout and actually POST from my backlog too. We have all of the triplet’s childhood to experience 🙂 :).

Populating Avalon

OK, I swore that my next post would actually have story in it, but I lied. I’ve been staring at the next post on and off for days and not producing any text. I’m sure it will pass. There’s nothing wrong with the post plot itself; I think it’s cute.

Since 100% of you voters voted for Avalon, it’s not a big reveal that I’ve been working on it. I have almost all the public lots laid, and I LOVE it. It’s hard to create this many lots in the base game. I would like to download Create A World, but I am a Mac user. I’m casting about for access to Windows someplace so I can see how the more sophisticated lot placement works.

It’s listed as a medium-sized world, but it is LOT smaller than Sunset Valley. I think this will be a good thing for performance, but it has left me with only a few places where a lot as large as 40×40 will fit, and everything else has to be smaller. It was surprisingly hard to find an art museum and a library in the range of 30×30, but I’m thrilled with what I tracked down. I’ve been keeping a list of my downloaded lots and their locations so that I can both give credit and refer you guys to them.

I’m now working on residential neighborhoods. And here I get to the point of the post.

For genetic diversity, I’m going to be downloading a bunch of celebrity simselves and interesting faces from Mod the Sims. I’d really like to fill the rest of the place out with legacy families.

So here’s an invitation to export your family (it’d be nice if it were the whole family, since I need sims of all ages) and send me a link. It’ll be the ultimate in cross-pollination :).

And let me know if you’d like them to be made into Elves or not. By default, they’ll probably be Elfified :).

Got rid of the CAPTCHA?

Dear readers, please verify:

I think I found the setting to turn off the horrible CAPTCHA (that code you have to type in from the unreadable image to prove you’re not a spambot).

Please verify that you’re not seeing it.

I swear the next post will actually have something to do with my legacy.


BTW: Thanks for brainstorming with me guys. The newly tweaked story is now percolating in my brain. I think it’ll give me the stuff I want to play with while keeping the story one contiguous legacy.

Speaking of Polls

I wanted to throw in a pitch for Amhranai’s heir poll over at Life at Appaloosa Plains. I’m really wrapped up in this one because she has such great choices and did such a fun job of introducing them. She needs more votes!


It’s a good legacy too :).