Zahra wandered out of the bedroom, down the hall, and into the kitchen. She was ravenous, and it had been a long night.
Fabian relaxed on the sofa with a book on logic. “Morning dear,” she said absently to him as she passed.
“Morning, love,” Fabian said, looking up. “You don’t happen to think that something is different do you?”
“Different?” Zahra asked, flushing. “What do you think is different?”
“It’s just that we seem to have misplaced the entire kitchen.”
Zahra looked around. “Oh, it’s not that bad! It’s just a few counters… and a stove… and the coffee maker… The refrigerator’s fine!”
“Have you been playing with the space-time continuum again?”
“No! Well, maybe just a little.”
Fabian sighed, setting down his book. “I understand your dedication to science and everything. It’s great. But would you please keep the experiments a the lab?”
“It wasn’t just an experiment,” Zahra began defensively. “I needed– AIGH! Charles! Would you stop that!”
“Ha, Mom! It gets you every time.”
Fabian glanced at the science book he’d left on the sofa. “I’ve been reading up on this stuff. All the mad science is making this place unstable. I think it’s time we moved. There’s nothing about space-time damage on the disclosure form, so we shouldn’t have not declare anything dangerous when we put it on the market. If we wait until the place HAS collapsed, our homeowner’s insurance won’t cover a thing.”
Zahra deflated. “All right. Let’s go house-hunting.”
Fabian grinned. “I have a better idea. Why don’t you collect up your experimental equipment and take it back to the lab. The kids and I will go house-hunting.”
So Fabian, Ada, and Charles picked a place to live.
And soon they were all packed and on their way.
The new place was an old estate in the architecture of the English countryside. It was directly on the beach and surprisingly close to downtown. Fabian had done a pretty good job.
They arrived on the evening of Ada’s birthday, with just enough time to celebrate properly.
And after a makeover:
Ada was…. changed after that birthday. The artistic vision that had always dominated her personality now seemed to take on a life of it own. Sometimes she started talking to the furniture, or walking around outside in her underwear.
“Don’t worry,” Fabian told Zahra uneasily. “It’s a phase. She’ll grow out of it.”
(Ha! Ada rolled Insane for her teen trait! I was totally not expecting that!
And the upcoming Gen 4 has a new house! It’s English Country Estate at ModTheSims. It has a few issues. The 2×1 gothic arches used don’t seem to exist anymore, one of the upstairs beds was unroutable, and so was one half of the dining table. I tweaked the walls a bit to fix those things, and I replaced the arches with some not-as-pretty columns.
Of course, I ended up moving before I’d intended to AGAIN. This is another elaborate Simfail associated with Shanni’s wedding. Why is it that nobody can get out of this household without there being major game issues???
This time, right after Shanni and Agnes got engaged, I started having major game slowdowns. It literally took Shanni all night to get to her bureau and then to the mirror to fix her wedding dress and hair. I actually tried to do the wedding in this state, which is where the pic of bodiless Parker came from, but it was slow and messed up, and nobody came except the immediate household and Parker for some reason. And then I clicked Agnes and there was NO “GET MARRIED” OPTION.
So I downloaded a utility I read about on ModTheSims that would locate corrupted CC, and the utility flagged the entire custom kitchen from the house they were living in. I don’t know how this could have been the problem, since I’ve been playing in that house for like six months of real time, but it’s possible that there was some cumulative problem. I deleted the kitchen, and things improved immediately.
So I figured it was more fun to roll that into the story :).
I wanted to get the household out of the corrupted house as fast as possible, so I actually moved them out before the wedding and staged them in Condor Museum Lofts for the duration of Shanni’s wedding. Then I moved them to the new digs. So, for your Simantic viewing pleasure….
Here is the whole family standing around in the basement of the loft building.
Shanni was so excited that walls could not stand in her way.
And I close with a cute pic of Shanni calling to schedule her own wedding party.