1.10 Conspicuous Consumption

Connor dabbled in writing Science Fiction and Drama, which didn’t bring in much money. Then he launched the Whodunnit mystery crime series, and his writing career took off. (Whodunnit, Whatdunnit, Whendunnit, Wheredunnit, and Howdunnit. Whendunnit made a nice showing on the NYT Bestseller list and maybe be optioned for a movie.) With that, his respectable journalism career, and Susie’s superstardom, the money really started rolling in. It was time to upgrade their lifestyle.

They shopped around for quite a while. (Read: I browsed all over fan sites to find a house I really liked and they could actually afford.) But eventually they found one that worked for them and me.

The whole family packed up and said goodbye to the cottage across the street from the beach.

Piled into Susie’s limo.

And said hello to a three-story Victorian on a cliff overlooking the bay. The third story was unfinished, but it was ready for expansion in the future. It was perfect for their new budget.

The move in was confusing, of course.

Lance jumped on the space-themed kid’s room, because, you know, you don’t have to be a LITTLE kid to appreciate that. Jared got bumped to the lavender room. Connor and Susie bunked down in luxury in the master bedroom.

Lance moved his weight set the to the attic and turned that into his gym.

To top it all off, they went green and bought a 2010 Prius. Time to stop relying entirely on bikes and car services.

(An exact clone of the car that we bought this year, down to the color and the tinted windows. I’m sure that was part of Toyota’s marketing reasoning in releasing the car as a game object. I am probably not the only hybrid-interested Sims player.)

0 thoughts on “1.10 Conspicuous Consumption

  1. Hi Susan! I know I said I'd read this at my Christmas break, but here I am, not following what I just said. ^^

    Anyway, I just want to tell you that that house is just awesome! I think I downloaded that house as well. ๐Ÿ˜€

    And by the way, I really like the fact that you used yourself as the founder of this legacy! :-bd If you wouldn't mind, I'd do this at my next legacy. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Teehee. ^^ Great job on the legacy! Can't wait to read the next chapters! ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Lol! I think the pictures are just fine!

    I know I'm weird and not the norm amongst people who read/write legacies, but I like that in sims stories you can tell it's from a game. I think seeing their plumbobs is cute and their thought bubbles. I'm not sure why I like that picture taking style, but anyways… I don't have anything against the close-up shots where plumbobs and thought bubbles are always excluded, either. I guess my thinking is, it's a game, there's nothing shameful about their plumbobs or thought bubbles- I'm quite attached to them in fact!

  3. This got me thinking. In my current generation, I've really gotten into the serious photography where you avoid thought bubbles, plumbobs, and the like. But looking at this old stuff where I did take pics of relevant thought/word balloons is pretty cool too! I'll have to think about this going forward.

  4. The thought bubbles really do add context and often they are so funny; maybe I should add these back in more often too. I usually post them as outtakes at the end, or on tumblr.

    The house is so beautiful, and I love its location!

  5. Heh. These days, I usually cut out the thought bubbles. I have thought about turning them off, but I keep forgetting the cheat for it. If I can remember, I'll turn them off for the next birthday, since someone is always thinking about the dirty toilet while they cheer. I like seeing the bubbles as I play, though, so most of the time I would want them on.

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