7.43 Like the wind

In his quest to learn all things landwalker, Jonah decided to take driving lessons. When he was ready to drive on his own, he bought a classic car and spent evenings driving around town.

He insisted on driving with the top down, even as it snowed.

Then he would come home shivering, unbundle himself from his winter wraps, and read to Caspian.

The attention was a good thing for Caspian. When he didn’t get enough of it, he found new ways to make trouble.

Jordan’s birthday rolled around.

The household had another little merman.

Caspian now had a playmate. In fact, he might have met his match. He and Travis were immediately joined at the hip.

They did everything together, and not just because they were stuck in the same nursery. They were both expressive kids who couldn’t get enough attention. Now there was always someone around with attention to give.

(Complete with photobomb by diver gnome…)

The Sample household was now essentially all chaos all the time.

The snowdrifts didn’t slow down Winston’s performance schedule. With all the fire and exercise, he didn’t even feel the cold.

He gave himself enough time to shower after a top-rated tent-raiser at the Duke of Bows before he met Emilie for dinner and a movie.

He hadn’t been the luckiest in love, and now that things seemed to be going so well, he didn’t want to give Emilie a chance to slip away.

Uncle Chaim found them outside the theater. “Looking good, my boy!” he called out. “I think she’s a keeper!” Winston tried not to cringe. Emilie laughed.

“If it isn’t my baby cousin,” came a voice from across the plaza.

“Gamora?” Winston said. “Is this a family reunion or something?”

“He’s my uncle too, you know,” Gamora said. “Should I check with you next time we want to meet for coffee?”

“Love you too, cuz,” Winston said.

“Ha ha,” Gamora replied. “Check out my kid. He’s walking and talking and photosynthesizing these days.”

“I like dirt,” Fenton announced and dissolved into giggles.

“That’s basically potty humor for plantsims,” Gamora explained. “You get used to it.”

Winston looked sheepishly at Emilie. “My family is all like this,” he said.

Emilie winked at him. “I already figured that out, she said.”

Jonah Waves Sample should have had everything he wanted in life, but he was starting to feel like he was missing something important.

When his mind wandered, wild horses galloped through his fantasies. They were the most captivating creatures he’d ever seen.

He’d spent enough time around the herd that some of the horses would let him approach them. That was gratifying, but he wanted more.

It hadn’t even occurred to him that there were domesticated horses too. When he discovered Avalon’s equestrian center, the last piece of his life fell into place.

He named his new equine friend Neptune. The stallion was full of energy and motion. It took Jonah’s breath away.

But Neptune would stand still for Jonah to awkwardly pull himself into the saddle.

There. Jonah had completed the first step. That wasn’t too bad.

Then Neptune started to run.

I really wanted our wild spirited, equestrian merman to tame a wild horse and learn to ride with it, but I didn’t realize that you can’t tame a wild horse until you already have a riding skill at Level 5. Jonah spent a lot of time befriending the horses in the wild herd before I discovered this. In retrospect, I probably should have just rolled with it and used Mastercontroller to add the horse to the household. That’s not the way way I rolled though, and Neptune is a fine companion.

I think there should be a mod to remove the riding skill requirement, honestly. It would make civilization-building challenges work better. That could be a really easy mod or a stupidly hard one.

2 thoughts on “7.43 Like the wind

  1. So funny and clever that plant sims would of course have their own potty humor. Don’t you hate it when you spend a lot of time on something in game and find out you don’t have the requirements?! But that’s how life is too I guess.

    • Oh dear! I’m sorry I didn’t reply to this comment when you made it! It’s so nice to see a comment from you. It just got lost in all the link spam. Bah.

      Re requirements — Bah, no kidding. I regret that I didn’t cheat the pretty wild horse into the household. Buying a domestic horse is so mundane for a magical sim who is still getting used to his land legs. That’s a long time ago in the game now, and I’m terribly fond of Neptune, so it just has to be a path not taken.

      Also, that’s a dumb requirement imho.

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