#sims3challenge #sims3legacy #sims3story #thesims3
Spring was in the air. Abby found some of Garry Crumplebottom’s old compositions in Sky’s music gear. Arya Crumplebottom wanted them back. They met at the bowling alley. Abby stepped inside, saw who else was there, and immediately tried to get out of their line of sight.
“Wait, isn’t that your uncle Forest?” Arya asked. “Who’s that he’s dancing with?”
Abby was pretty sure it was Forest’s boyfriend’s husband. “Uncle Forest’s love life is complicated,” she said weakly. “We try not to ask.”
Love Day arrived.
The day should have been bright and sunny, but the weather wouldn’t cooperate. It dawned gray and overcast instead, sort of gloomy. At least it wasn’t raining.
Abby fluttered about the house, trying on clothes, putting her hair up, then down, then up again.
Finally, Dylan asked. “Are you all right? We’re going to the Love Day fair, not a publicity event.”
Abby flushed. “It’s not that. It’s just….”
Dylan raised his eyebrows. “You’re meeting someone there, aren’t you?”
“Sort of,” Abby admitted. “Just a guy I met recently. Mostly a friend thing.”
“Riiight,” Dylan said. “I’m interested in meeting a friend who make you do that to your hair.
Chaim was there, waiting for her.
“I’m sorry I kept you waiting,” Abby said. “There were just a hundred things to do with the kids before we left.”

Victoria was, well, Victoria. Wherever she went, she drew an entourage of admirers. Random strangers stopped her to start conversations. And she loved it.
Andria nudged Dylan. “You know, I think they have the right idea.”
Dylan smiled knowingly, then realized she was walking away from him.
“Wait!” he called. “That’s totally inappropriate!”

Chaim’s face fell when he saw the response. “I thought this would be the perfect time to ask you to be my girl.”
“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Abby said.
“Doing what?” Chaim asked.
“What does that machine know anyway,” she said. “Yes.”
“Yes, you’ll be my girl?”
If anyone had told Abby she would be a cop’s girlfriend, she would have thought they were insane.
Abby and Chaim tried to capture the title of King and Queen of the Dance. They didn’t get it, but they sure had a great time trying.
Dylan escorted Andria back to the dance floor. “Care to try again, my lady?”
“Of course!”
“It’s just not our day to dance, is it?”
I absolutely love greeting card pictures. I put them in the biggest size digital frame so that I can see them when I play. The sad thing is that they get erased really easily, and I can’t get new ones by going back to an earlier save file like paintings. So I give up. I’m just going to take screen captures of them for posterity :).
The Easter eggs are screwed up. There weren’t any at the festival site, so I decided to add them in buydebug. Guess that was a bad idea — every time someone picked up an egg, they reset. I’m cranky about that. I’d like to actually collect them for festival tickets sometime. I’m not sure what was up. I guess I’ll see what happens next Love Day. Still, they have some great animations.
Victoria really gets mobbed every time she enters a community lot. That Irresistible trait is powerful.
Yes, I started to gather that Victoria was irresistible, or charming, or something along those lines. I loved the line about Jasper not knowing what hit him! Also, the way you opened, with Abby returning some items of Sky's to someone, I did that so many times in Sims 2 to save items and get them back to who they belonged to, or had meaning to. So funny that they just don't ask anymore about Uncle Forest's lovelife; that did sound pretty complex.
Love Day was so great, I wish the egg hunt had worked out. I'm excited about Chaim and Abby, even though since there's a big gap in my reading still, I don't know all the suffering she's been through. It was so funny when Dylan said he was interested in meeting the "friend" who could do that to her hair, ha. And poor Andria and Dylan, they aren't very good dancers, are they? But it seems like a great time was had by all.
It's hard to convey just how dramatic Victoria's Irresistible trait is. I left her on autonomy most of the time at the park, and it was just a steady stream of sims and pets getting in line to socialize with her.
I've always thought of Dylan as a good dancer, at least at stately ballroom dances like waltz. He's never really taken the time to build up his skill, though. Perhaps dance classes should be in his plans for retirement.
Seeing Forest there slow dancing really cracked me up. Forest is, well, very complicated. He's a vampire and the Emperor of Evil. (His vampirism is the reason he's still an Adult when the rest of his generation is dead.) I promised that when I rolled an Evil trait in this game, I was going to play it up. I had a ton of fun with Forest's story. Considering the length of vampire lifespans, he'll probably be around to the end of the legacy as a sort of creepy family protector.
Well, I really look forward to reading about Forest, then, and it is really neat that he'll be around for a long time. That's pretty amazing about Victoria, and one of those things that just draws you in to the Sims. That sum-is-greater-than-the-parts je ne sais quoi that some sims have in one way or another. It sounds like Victoria is going to also be really great to play, write about, and read about!
🙂 Thanks so much for reading and commenting.
BTW: Did you get my info about the new Generation 3 household up for download?
No, I missed that somewhere (Gen 3 Samples). Should I check on the exchange again?
There's a comment over on our conversation on the Download a Sample page. I also dropped you a note on SimsWriters.
The short version is that you need to download from the Download a Sample page again. I actually had to fix the file. The problem is probably not any particular content. It was just an old file from a ton of patches ago.
Nice little Love Day for everyone there. (Except for a few toes, anyway.)
Forest always makes me laugh. I'm trying not t imagine how the sleeping arrangements work out in his crazy household!
What a great love day 🙂 I'm so happy for Abby, as Chaim seems like such a sweet guy. You find in RL that the celebs who are married to 'normal' people have the strongest marriages, so I'm quietly confident regarding this one.
Is Jasper Crumplebottom Arya's son? He looks like her 🙂
Heheh. I think it's best for all of us not to speculate too much about the state of Forest's home life.
It's nice to see Abby happy. I like Chaim. I explored all the plausible sims who had attraction notifications, and she ends up with the cop — the last person I would have guessed at the start of her story. I have moved him into town to protect him from StoryProgression :).
Jasper is absolutely Arya's son. Sole heir to the Crumplebottom fortune. He doesn't look very high society in that picture 😉
There certainly was a lot of toe-stomping this Love Day. I think there will indeed be dancing lessons, or at least dance practice, for our patron couple.
Wow, Chaim has such a warm smile. 🙂 Those two are just adorable, and I hope they'll be very happy.
Victoria looked surprisingly cheerful for a Sim who got a dog's tongue stuck up her nose 😛
Bwahaha! Those dogs have REALLY long tongues, don't you think? Kind of like tentacles!
What a lovely update! I’m sure when Victoria grows up, Dylan will have a tough job standing on the porch 24/7, chasing away his daughter’s admirers from the house 🙂
Greeting cards are awesome! I don’t remember if they existed already in the Sims 2, but story-wise, it’s one of the coolest things in the game. Only if they wouldn’t be so easily corrupted!