Simantics: The Rest of the Story

Just a pic of Jian Wu so that you can appreciate Dragonwife’s catch.

Charles’s only appearance in true ghost form to date was while Sky and Leah were fighting.

Leah is a bit too enthusiastic with Dylan.

Dylan really does seem to have been born with special powers.

Here Sky called the band over to rehearse, and everyone decided that the way to get to the house was to go around the side of the wall and route-fail in a flower bush. I have no idea why the game suddenly decided that the front of the lot was the side away from the road, but fortunately one of the patches added a way to specify, so I fixed it. Though, in retrospect, it was probably the patch that borked things up to begin with.

I also removed some of the flower bushes here so that sims COULD route through if they thought it was really important.

And here’s why I didn’t include Sky going into labor and returning from the hospital.

Here she is trying to satisfy a wish and raise her relationship with Ari enough that she might be able to help with Ari and Adam.

Whoops! I cut the timing a bit too close!

I have no idea why the hospital is so washed out. I have a lot of lighting in the front, but that’s not how I would expect it to reflect. There must be something strange about the textures on the rabbithole. Since everyone seems to have kids at night, I need to try to figure out how to fix this.

And this is how Abby came home from the hospital.

I was furious. That’s not a bronze skintone. It’s a perfectly normal one. The only sim in the entire family tree with a normal skintone is Veronica, and not only is hers all the way dark (Abby’s was all the way pale), but it’s not even the same color slider.

I guess it must have been either a mutation or the game choking on ghost genetics. I pondered what to do and finally decided to change the skintone. Since the silver skintone has never been inherited naturally by a Sample (Charlotte Charles’s immaculately conceived love child has it), I made her silver.
So now you know the rest of the story.
Avalon Gossip Column:
February Callender and celebrity-simalike Amy Winter dated just long enough to get Amy pregnant, then split up.
February then hooked up with doddering Spock Leonard, who died while they were together. Since she immediately popped out a baby girl named Sharon, we might guess what whey were doing when Spock died.
Joanne, who never gave up stalking Spock, must have been pretty crushed when he died.
Then again, her grief was short-lived. Hector Sword started dating Joanne Bookabet and Jeanette Crumplebottom simultaneously, the dog. Apparently, things went so well with Joanne that he broke up with Jeanette. I don’t know if I’m rooting for Hector and Joanne or not here….
Anita Bookabet is now an item with downloaded sim Chris Todd, who is a Showtime Acrobat.
Arya has taken up writing and has gotten quite successful at it.
Blackberry Marmalade asked Alexandria Berg to marry her. Then Alexandria got pregnant. They did manage to get married before the baby was born. At least they sort-of did it in the right order.
Nemo actually gave civilized relationships another go! He and Tara Crystal-Doctor are now going steady. Tara is Chris Doctor’s widow, but is still adult. I didn’t realize she and Chris had such an age gap when they got married.
Ada Sample-Royale passed on. It was time, but it’s always sad to see a spare go. She had a nice life.
Sebastian Hodgins finally asked Lynn Sword to marry him!
Weston Mentary asked Raquel Sword to marry him! It was an exciting update for the Sword family.

0 thoughts on “Simantics: The Rest of the Story

  1. Funny glitches, as always 😀 I appreciate the sims wanting to admire the nature while entering the house; just too bad it didn't work. Removing some of the bushes was very thoughtful of you. 😉

    And Abby's skin color (BTW: I love that name!) was very weird, considering the circumstances. Oo sometimes the game has weird ideas.

  2. I think you're perfectly justified in changing Abby's skin colour! I still want to know who her, er, second mother is. Hint hint …

    I'm laughing at my simself's adventures here. I wonder if she was the one who killed Spock in a jealous rage? Considering she's not above stalking, I hardly think she'd shy away from murder. Hector should watch out! Also, I dread to even think what Arya is writing about. She's not the sanest of people. She's probably writing a series of self help books for princesses. Glad to see the Bookabet girls are settling down.

    Dragonwife is a lucky, lucky sim. Can my simself have him instead?!

  3. Woo! I love me some Wu!

    I think changing Abby's skin tone was the way to go, though it kind of amuses me that she ended up a "normal" with all of the questions surrounding her parentage.

    Yay for Nemo and Sebastian being stable! I think it's really interesting that Sebastian is only gay in my game.

    I was rooting for Joanne and Hector until Jo pointed out that she might be a crazy, murdering stalker!

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