The Samples have a home

OK, I now have laid out the Zukutra world referenced in the comments to my liking. It turns out that I am constitutionally incapable of just dropping lots where they fit. I have to lay out a logical flow of downtown and appropriate residential neighborhoods and then go back to the usual haunts to download some new buildings to suit the new themes. So I had to try the lots in a bunch of different places until a reasonable layout finally sprang from my brain.

I still have a thread running with CAW expert Simsample (oh, the irony of the username) about Avalon. If (s)he can get it to export properly for me before I have moved over into Zukutra, I’ll probably switch back to it. Both worlds offer some fun tradeoffs. I’ve really gotten to like the blue landscape paint of the fairy/alien world half of Zukutra.

I expect to be up and playing again pretty soon. I think I’ll be able to drag myself away from world layout and actually POST from my backlog too. We have all of the triplet’s childhood to experience 🙂 :).

0 thoughts on “The Samples have a home

  1. Zukutra sounds like a good place for Ariel! Too bad we're already in Lunar Lakes… maybe in a few generations when the lag kills me again.

    I'm glad that you've gotten stuff to work out, though. I'm excited to see where the Samples end up!

    And bring on the triplets!

  2. Hello!

    Here's the link to my question thread on ModtheSims. I didn't contact Bakafox because she said she didn't want a bunch of question on how to use CAW :). I'm pretty sure at this point that the problem is me and not anything she did. However, if you or she have any insight into the trouble I've been having, I'd be delighted to hear it.

  3. Actually, I know that Bakafox mentioned she'd be interested in seeing stuff done with her worlds on her own blog. I was considering asking her if she might want my world file with the empty lots. Some of the lots are a little nonstandard, though, because each one was sized for a specific lot design I downloaded from someplace. I'd be glad to make the save file available with all the completed lots added (and attributed to their creators), but a small number of them are from TSR, and I know that gets touchy.

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